It’s Been A Great Week Here On Guntersville! The weather has started to get right and the bass appreciated it but not as much as our clients did. Seen a Personal Best Broken Twice In One Day, 40,50,60 bass days, crappie limits, and some giant striped bass!
Personal Best Bass was caught twice with-in minutes for this young Minnesota angler while fishing with Capt.Scott they also had great numbers all 3 days they spent together. Slipped in a Crappie trip this week as well, had a limit pretty quick and some slabs for the freezer.

Numbers let’s talk about Capt. Phillips two days with this couple from New Jersey! 101 Bass this was exactly what they needed ! Just look at their catch there was some quality bass caught.

Green Bass in the morning to Striped ones in the afternoon Capt. Myles has been getting high numbers of largemouth bass mixing in some quality as well then he has been going after some big striped bass in the afternoons this is a new service for Guntersville Bass Guides it will go well with our Big Bass Mentality. Capt.Myles has added airport shuttle to his list of services. His clients flew into the Guntersville airport where picked them up and brought them back after their fishing trip.

Capt. Mike has been steady with clients catching quality bass and providing the best trip possible. We think he has the bass named with all his time on the water and knowing when to make that move to keep putting fish in the boat.

Capt.Jim’s clients had some pretty good size bass to go with their numbers. They had many over 4lbs and one 6 and a half man it was just a fun week watching them reel them bass in. Want to wish my Dad (Steve) a HAPPY BIRTHDAY 69 Years Young April 9th

Water Temps have been 62-68 this week and water clarity is a good 3 foot
Bass are starting to lock on and they are still coming everyday.
We are catching majority of our bass dragging baits. Also had some eat Topwater baits. With the post spawn approaching quickly the topwater action should be great and offshore bite will be here before you know it . May June and July are fun times to be on Guntersville and if you have new electronics or new boat and would like to learn how to locate offshore bass then we do offer a class for that as well. ELECTRONIC CLASS
For Booking Call 256-698-6593 or e-Mail
Here is some pics….. Enjoy
Guntersville Bass Guides