Guntersville Is Hot. And So Is The Fishing.🎣 Its diffidently been a great week on the Big G. We’ve been able to catch them several ways and in several depths and was able to put our client on this Giant Bass .

We seen a lot of pressure this week and had to adapt by the hour, they just are really educated and after you catch a few they really got picky on what they pecked at. Then you can get on a little deal and catch them for 20 cast in a row before they act funny. But thats fishing and we do what the bass want us to do.
Water Temps 80-85 Degrees and Floating Grass Is As Bad As Ive Seen It .
Its Hot Out ( like skin melting off your bones ) so we are only offering 4 and 6 hour trips till the heat breaks a little if 8 hours is what your seeking we can put together a 4 hour morning and 4 hour afternoon to beat the heat. Remember we have ice and water on our boats to help keep everyone hydrated thats part of our service.
Heres some pics from our trips . Enjoy!
Jeff & Shane Have Been Putting Our Customers On Some Great Bass And Great Times. You can request to fish with either of them just depends on their schedule. Just Click HERE for booking info or Call 256-698-6593 also for Chickamauga Guide Trips Call Capt. Jim 256-698-6593
Capt. Jim