Lake Guntersville December 7th 2020. Bass Fishing Has Been Challenging This Entire Year, Is It A Bad Thing? Does It Make You Fish Harder? Think Harder? Well It Really Made Us Work A-lot Harder During Trips And On Scouting Days To Make Our Trips As Best As Possible. So We Hope That It Taught Us To Fish Different And Not To Forget This Year.
With it looking like it’ll be a warm winter yet again the grass may not die back and make the fish to seek new cover and get grouped up. And to have a shad kill ( with cold lake water ) wouldn’t be a bad thing… for one the fish will gorge themselves on dying shad and get good and plump for a spawn. Maybe these will happen.
So whats been happening. We have been seeing quality bass daily and some days we see numbers and quality and then some days low numbers with quality. Our Frog bite just went away this pass week with the grass breaking up just enough it was hard to get them to commit, it was fun while it lasted. Now on to winter fishing. We got a good taste of it Sunday in the Guntersville Open Adam & I ran a lot of water and the bites was random but the looks of the fish say they are getting fat and pale with good colored lateral line.. Getting Pretty as Josh Bertus would say. We had a decent bag two largemouths 4.86 & 4.81lbs and a spot 4.11lbs and 2 runts

Christmas it just 18 days away and we have a handful of gift certificates left. There is a coupon code at the top of the page feel free to use it.
Miss Belle Was On The Mercury Marine Social Media On Saturday. You Might Recognize This Pic. She Loves To Go To Work Everyday And She Wears Her Hoodie On The Really Cold Days.

Water temps is hanging around 50-54 degrees
Heres some pics
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Capt. Jim