June has been a good time on Guntersville. We went from spring-type weather to summer in a day. As a client humorously stated, “You guys don’t have the ozone down here!” Indeed, it feels like we’ve jumped straight into the heat of summer. Our water temperature has been getting up to summer levels, currently hanging around a warm 87-90 degrees. This rise in temperature has had a noticeable impact on the local bass population.
Interestingly, the bass have picked up a new habit—they’ve been nomadic lately. It’s a classic “here today, gone tomorrow” scenario, making fishing an ever-changing and exciting challenge. One day, you might find a hotspot teeming with activity, and the next, the same spot could seem completely devoid of life. However, the thrill of the hunt keeps us going, and when you do manage to relocate these wandering bass, they bite pretty well, rewarding the persistence and patience of the angler.
This period of change has made us more attuned to the subtle shifts in the environment. Being on the water during these warm months allows us to observe the intricate dance of nature, from the smallest ripple on the surface to the sudden splash of a jumping fish. Each outing is a unique adventure, offering new opportunities to learn and adapt. Whether it’s adjusting to the bass’s erratic behavior or finding new patterns in their movement, the dynamic conditions of Guntersville in June have provided unforgettable experiences and stories to share.
What The Fish Are Biting
Most days, the fish will eat soft plastics. However, on days when they are aggressive, we’ve been able to get them to eat crankbaits pretty well. We’ve also had some days where using topwater lures was a blast. It’s fascinating to observe these behaviors, as it can vary greatly from one day to the next.
On those aggressive days, not only do crankbaits become highly effective, but they also seem to create an exciting fishing experience. The reaction strikes are often more intense, making it a thrilling time for anglers. Meanwhile, topwater action provides a different kind of excitement. When fish hit the lure on the surface, it can be both visually spectacular and exhilarating. These varied feeding patterns and responses to different types of lures demonstrate the diverse and dynamic nature of fishing.

🇺🇸Summer Special🇺🇸
This special offer is designed to help you and your loved ones spend a great time on the lake without breaking the bank. Whether you’re planning a family outing, a fishing trip with friends, this deal has got you covered.

Capt Jim