Fishing Lake Guntersville Has Had Its Ups & Downs But All N All We Have Been Doing Good. With majority of the fish making it to their offshore haunts timing has everything to do with a good day and a not so good day. Water Temps have been steady for the most part high 70’s […]
Its Ledge Time
It Was A Fun Week On Guntersville, The Bites Improved Daily With The Warmer Weather Big Bites Was What Was Going Down. The Bass Have Been Feeding Up Hard Our Bites Have Been Vicious. What Can I Say We Had Fun. Water temps have finally gotten to the mid 70’s and its May 18th and […]
Guntersville May 5th 2020
Here We Are Beginning Of May And Mother Nature Just Will Not Get Her Act Together. A normal year we would be fishing off shore maybe not on the ledges but we would be away from the bank, but it seems the bites are still shallow and catching pre spawn, spawn, & post spawn bass. […]
April Spring Time Fishing
Guntersville Fishing …… Its been well…. strange. Seems like it has taken forever and a day for the fish to get to the banks. Yes there has been some to already spawn but the lake seems backwards normally the upper end the bass are more advance in their spring migration then the lower end, well […]
Guntersville Bass Spawning
We have had a nice warming trend and the bass have taken note to it, we are beginning to see some nice bass this past week. Each day has started out just a little bit different from the last but the one thing that has stayed the same is the wind, it has been blowing […]
Its That Time
What In The World Is Going On. Madness Of March Hasn’t Happen Yet… Even with a mild winter the bass seem to be behind, now we are catching a good many of bass but its not an all day thing you have to keep changing up to keep getting bites, and if you keep an […]
Is Guntersville On The Verge Of Busting Wide Open?
With the classic over and some warming trends happening the lake should rebound fairly well, we have noticed that the fish have made a hard transition and have become difficult to pattern and in return it has made some days rather hard to understand. We have caught fish from 1 foot to 15 feet just […]
February Pre Spawn
The rain has begun and so has the big bites. Last few years we have had this kind of rain and the results from it seem to be positive ( other then its wet ) but it seems to keep the bass active most of the day, now if we could work on the cold […]
Pre Spawn
January Fishing Was Up And Down On Size And Numbers But All In All It Has Been One Of The Better January’s For Fishing. Winter showed up the week of the FLW BFL and I don’t think anyone was surprised, it really kicked the bass in the head, considering the week before we was fishing […]
Fishing January 2020
Well What A Year So Far! With all the warm weather we are having it has the bass doing something lil different for this time of year. They are catchable and once you get one to bite you can catch them for a little while before they smarten up. Theres been some nice ones showing […]